I am pleased to present my revised video work “Self-Portrait”
at the movie night with experimental videos at Long Night of Images
September 6, 2024, 6 pm - 2 pm & September 7 & 8, 6 pm, at ID Studios Berlin
(House Y, 3rd floor, Studio 3.00, Genslerstr. 13, 10365 Berlin-Alt-Hohenschönhausen)
June is going to be hot. Fortunately, I have been invited to take part in two exhibitions, which open on the same day at different venues.
On June 21st at 8 pm, the 30th Leipzig Annual Exhibition opens in the Werkschauhalle (Hall 12) of the Leipzig Baumwollspinnerei. I am very proud and happy to be part of it. I will be showing two works: my sound installation FERRUM and my photo series my recent mudras. I will be there and will be very happy to see everyone. The exhibition runs until July 13th. Many thanks to Leipziger Jahresausstellung e.V. for the invitation.
On the same day, the group exhibition Klangkörper - Künstlerische Musikinstrumente (Resonating Bodies - Artistic musical instruments) opens at 7 pm at the Kunstmuseum Heidenheim, where I will present my extended sound space installation TELLURIUM and the sound object installation PNEUMA together with other very exciting sound art works by other artists. Unfortunately, I won't be in Heidenheim for the opening. However, the exhibition runs until October 13th. So there is plenty of time to stop by. So if you're planning to come or are nearby, let me know and maybe we can meet there.
Torsten Pfeffer, a musician and artist friend from Leipzig, will be playing at the Tellurium for the finissage. You can look forward to that with me.
Many thanks to Marco Hompes and the museum for the invitation.
My work PNEUMA was selected for a six-month fellowship in 2024. I'm really looking forward to continuing the work I've started and presenting it further. Many thanks to the Kulturstiftung Sachsen and congratulations to all the other scholarship holders!!!
Meine Arbeit PNEUMA wurde für ein sechsmonatiges Arbeitsstipendium in 2024 ausgewählt. Ich freue mich total die begonnene Arbeit fortzsetzen und weiter präsentieren zu können. Großen Dank an die Kulturstiftung Sachsen und herzliche Gratulation allen anderen Stipendiat*innen!!!
To mark the 200th anniversary of the death of Brockhaus publishing house founder Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus in Leipzig, the exhibition organized by Industriekultur Leipzig e. V. and Kunstverein ars avanti e.V. is dedicated to the topics of knowledge generation, storage and dissemination. The starting point is the Brockhaus Encyclopaedia, which still appears today as a guarantor of verified knowledge. This self-image is taken up in selected works of art by the artists Stefan Hurtig, Mingren Li and Andreas Schröder and questioned with regard to current or alternative forms of knowledge and data transfer.
Anlässlich des 200. Todesjahres des Brockhaus-Verlagsgründers Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus in Leipzig widmet sich die vom Industriekultur Leipzig e. V. und dem Kunstverein ars avanti e.V. ausgerichtete Ausstellung den Themen der Wissensgenerierung, -speicherung und -vermittlung. Ausgangspunkt ist die Brockhaus Enzyklopädie, welche auch heute noch als Garant für geprüftes Wissen in Erscheinung tritt. Dieses Selbstverständnis wird in ausgewählten Kunstwerken durch die Künstler*innen Stefan Hurtig, Mingren Li und Andreas Schröder aufgegriffen und auf aktuelle bzw. alternative Formen des Wissens- und Datentransfers befragt.